The Power of Positive Imagination + War Room Bible Study with Dupe

Sundays   |   2:00 PM

Our group is a Spiritual Growth group. We will be discussing The Power of Positive Imagination, and how it helps us to dream big, and thus achieve big things for God. Along with that, we will be studying "War Room Bible Study," a small group study by Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick. The War Room Bible Study features 5 inspiring movie clips and 5 challenging scriptural lessons adapted from the feature film, "War Room."

I am passionate about spiritual growth. It is so easy to get bogged down by the challenges life brings, and loose sight of who we are and where our help comes from. That is why my small group focuses on spiritual growth, and how to get from where we are to the next level in Christ. I hope to see this group learn the power of positive imagination, how powerful a weapon prayer is, and how to use prayer to accomplish God's plan for our lives.

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