Kids Rock Jr

Week of August 25, 2024

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Bible Story


This month, we are learning all about the unwavering goodness of God. In the creation story, God crafted a perfect world and formed a special relationship with humans. Despite humanity’s sins, as seen in Cain and Abel’s story, God’s protection and love endure. God’s goodness shines through in Noah’s rescue from the flood and in God fulfilling His promise to Abraham and Sarah, bringing unexpected joy. Through these stories, God’s consistent goodness, faithfulness and love for humanity are evident, emphasizing His enduring care and blessings.

This month, we are going on a campout under the stars! The stars remind us of the promises of God and how He is always good! 


BIBLE PASSAGE: Genesis 17:15–23; 18:1–15; 21:1–7

FOCUS VERSES: Numbers 23:19; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Joshua 23:14; 1 John 1:9

Summary: God commanded Abraham and Sarah, despite their old age, to leave their home. God promised them many descendants, more than the stars. Despite their doubt, God assured them Sarah would have a son. When visitors came, they foretold Sarah’s pregnancy. Sarah laughed, but God kept His promise. Sarah gave birth to Isaac, bringing immense joy and fulfilling God’s pledge, showcasing His faithfulness and ability to make the impossible happen.

Why are God’s promises always true? We can trust that God’s promises are always true because God is good. He doesn’t lie or change His mind. He always does what He says.

Does God make promises to us today? God has always made and kept promises with His people. His Word is full of promises He makes to us. The greatest promise He makes is to save us from our sin through Jesus.

What does God want me to know about Him, and what does this mean for my life?Ask your child this question, answers will vary.

Whether it is disappointment brought on by themselves or by someone else, kids know how it feels to feel let down. It may be difficult for some kids to trust that God really does keep His promises and really is good when they’ve been disappointed a lot. Abraham and Sarah lived long lives without having any children. God’s promise of a son likely seemed unrealistic to them. Perhaps they were afraid of being disappointed again. When we face disappointment in life, we can trust what we know is true about God and that His promises are good.

Here’s how we discussed this topic and how you can discuss at home:

Discuss: Can you share about a time you were really disappointed? Discuss: Can disappointments make it hard to trust God? Why or why not? Discuss: What does the Bible have to say about that?

Say: We all get disappointed sometimes. Maybe we were hoping to win a game and we lost instead. Maybe someone promised us something and they forgot. Maybe an adult didn’t show up when they were supposed to. Disappointment is a part of life, but it can really hurt. Some people find it hard to trust in God’s promises because they are afraid of being disappointed again. We can know that God is always good. Even if things don’t go as we hope, He always has a good plan. He doesn’t promise we will get everything we want, but He does promise that He is always with us and He always loves us. His promises never fail and are always for our good. When we are disappointed by life, we can always turn to God and trust that He is good no matter what.

Talk to your kids about times they have felt disappointed. Share with them some of your life disappointments as well.