Kids Rock

Week of September 1, 2024

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Bible Story


God is faithful and fulfills His promises. As our stories this month unfold, we see God consistently intervening to help His people. He reaffirms covenants, liberates His people in miraculous ways, and shows His unwavering faithfulness. God gives us hope even when we are in times of darkest uncertainty. God is the Master Painter behind our lives! 

Jacob and Esau

Bible Passage: Genesis 25:24-34; 27-28

Focus Verses: 1 Peter 1:3; Psalm 39:7; Hebrews 10:23

Summary: Isaac married Rebekah, and they had twin sons named Jacob and Esau. Esau traded his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew. Later, Jacob pretended to be his brother Esau to get his father’s blessing. Jacob had to flee his home. As he camped, God gave him a dream of angels ascending and descending a ladder. God made the same covenant with Jacob He had made with Abraham and Issac. God showed Jacob that hope is found in Him.

Why is God the God of hope? God is the Lord of the universe. Not only is He in control of everything, but He is also good and loving. He keeps His promises to His people.

What does hope mean for us? Hope is being able to look ahead and trust that everything will be okay. When we trust in Jesus, we can have hope because He has made a way for us to have eternal life and one day He will make everything new again.

What does God want me to know about Him, and what does this mean for my life?Ask your child this question, answers will vary.

According to a 2014 survey, the large majority of Americans find their hope in categories such as relationships, financial stability, and their own talents and abilities. Today’s culture teaches kids to believe their future happiness is dependent on what they have, what they can do, and even who they know. These things are not bad, but they are also not permanent. Relationships end, stock markets drop, and our talents and abilities are always subject to others’ opinions. Social media exposes kids to how tough the world can be and can lead kids to feel our world is hopeless. Point kids toward the ultimate hope we have in Jesus. In this week’s Brite lesson, kids will learn that hoping in ourselves or the things of this world will lead to disappointment. God is our true hope. He never changes, and He is always good. 

Here’s how we discussed this topic and how you can discuss at home: 

Discuss: What are some things people think they need for their future to be good?

Discuss: What might be challenging about placing hope in those things? 

Discuss: What does God have to say about that?

Say: Sometimes we think if we have the things of the world, everything will be better. We wouldn’t have to worry about the future if we had enough money or one day married the right person. Or maybe we put our hope in our athletic or musical abilities to make us famous one day. Maybe our hope is in good grades. There is nothing wrong with any of these things, however, when they are what we hope in, we are likely to be disappointed. Money can go away. People can let us down. Our abilities can fade. Only God is forever and unchanging. Placing our hope in Him is always secure.