Kids Rock 45

Week of September 15, 2024

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Bible Story


God is faithful and fulfills His promises. As our stories this month unfold, we see God consistently intervening to help His people. He reaffirms covenants, liberates His people in miraculous ways, and shows His unwavering faithfulness. God gives us hope even when we are in times of darkest uncertainty. God is the Master Painter behind our lives! 

Birth of Moses

Bible Passage: Exodus 1-2

Summary: The Israelites had grown to a great number in Egypt. Pharaoh was frightened, and he wanted to stop them. He made the Israelites slaves and ordered all Israelite baby boys to be thrown into the river. One family hid their newborn son, Moses. When they couldn’t hide him any longer, they placed him in a basket beside the river, where Pharaoh’s daughter found him. Years later, God used Moses to set His people free.

Between smartphones, social media and 24/7 access to the news, kids today are more aware of world events than ever before. This generation is not only exposed to news coverage of wars, terrorist activity, and global disasters, but they also potentially hear commentary from multiple viewpoints. This access can increase anxiety and fear in kids. In this week’s Brite lesson, kids will learn that God is greater than everything scary in our world. He can’t be stopped. Kids may struggle to understand this truth when they see so much destruction around the world. Allow kids to talk about the things in the world that frighten them. Listen to their concerns and point them toward our God, who is bigger than anything that comes against us. Consider sharing a story from your own life about how God has worked, even when everything seemed bleak. 

Here’s how we discussed this topic and how you can discuss at home: 

Discuss: What are some big things happening in our world?

Discuss: How do kids your age feel when they hear about some of these things?

Discuss: What does God have to say about that? 

Say: Our world can feel like a hopeless place, especially if you watch the news or see things on social media. I’m sure the Israelites felt their situation was hopeless as well. Our world is broken by sin. Wars, violence, and other terrible things happen. The good news is: God is always working and His hope is unstoppable. When we see stories of terrible things happening around our world, we can trust God will use those things for good. We can pray for those affected and we can show His love by helping however we can. Even if circumstances don’t change, we can live with trust, instead of fear, knowing God’s plan can’t be stopped and one day Jesus will make all things new.