Kids Rock 45

Week of September 8, 2024

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Bible Story


God is faithful and fulfills His promises. As our stories this month unfold, we see God consistently intervening to help His people. He reaffirms covenants, liberates His people in miraculous ways, and shows His unwavering faithfulness. God gives us hope even when we are in times of darkest uncertainty. God is the Master Painter behind our lives! 


Bible Passage: Genesis 40-41

Summary: Joseph was thrown into a pit and later sold into slavery to Potiphar. Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph, and he was imprisoned. Joseph interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh’s cupbearer and chief baker, yet he was still forgotten in prison. One day, Pharaoh needed a dream interpreted, and the cupbearer remembered Joseph. Joseph interpreted the dream, predicting a famine, and was placed second in charge of Egypt. He prepared for the famine and saved all the people.

As many as 65 percent of teens and young adults read horoscopes regularly. Horoscopes are part of astrology, the belief that stars and planets have an impact on what happens in the world. Horoscopes have been used for centuries to supposedly predict what will happen in life and explain people’s personalities. While astrology has been popular throughout history, it has recently gained traction in kids’ culture thanks to celebrities and social media influencers. Many older kids might know their zodiac sign. It’s important for kids to think about horoscopes and astrology through the lens of God’s Word. In this week’s Brite lesson, kids will learn that God alone knows the future. Their hope is not the alignment of stars and planets. Their hope can be found in the Creator of the stars and planets! 

Here’s how we discussed this topic and how you can discuss at home: 

Discuss: Why would people want to know the future?

Discuss: What are some ways people try to tell the future?

Discuss: What does God have to say about that?

Say: You may have heard people say that horoscopes or zodiac signs can tell us what is going to happen in the future. Some people believe that the stars predict and impact what is happening with people. Celebrities and social media talk about this a lot now, but there have been people who believed this throughout history, including in the Old Testament. In the book of Daniel, another one of God’s people, a man named Daniel, interpreted a king’s dream much like Joseph did in today’s story. In Daniel 2:27-28 he said: “No wise men, enchanters, magicians, or astrologers can show to the king the mystery that the king has asked, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries…” The stars and planets can’t tell our future. Only God knows our future. He created and still controls the stars and planets. He created us and only He controls our future. It isn’t wise to hope in created things. Our hope lies in the Creator who loves us and knows His plan for our future.